Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wow that's kind of unfair

Who gets to have their cake and eat it too?

Certainly not I.

When you think of what women have to go through, unfair pay, getting pregnant (which ruins the body, causes 9 months of pain and possibly death), and having to work through glass ceilings in their career you think... wow it must suck to have to be born a woman.

And especially in long distance relationships, in the movies we always see women having to move to be near their men.  Or, their men either cheats on them, finds another woman, or they break up.  Why do men get to be so lucky? Why does there have to be a timeline?  A deadline for supposed true "love?"  When was the last time you actually heard that a man moved to be near his woman? Oh right... in Good Will Hunting, where he says, "Sorry. I have to go see about a girl."

Yeah, right, in another movie.

It's always the women who have to sacrifice everything for a man.  We quit our jobs, move countries, have no income, depend on the men, become depressed and emo and then the man finds another woman and tells us, "You're so depressing. You're just not right for me."  If it's supposed to be true love and you really love a person, shouldn't there be no timeline? No deadline?  You would be able to wait?  If you think about how some women move to Shanghai to be with their expat husbands, all they do everyday is stay at home with the kids.  They're unhappy, they can't find jobs, and they just watch as their husbands cheat on them because now they're stuck here and they've already made the decision to move to where their men are.  It's a horrible cycle.

What allows the men to benefit off this? What do the women benefit?  They get pregnant, their form is ruined, they have been out of a career for a year, when they apply for another job its "Why did you move here?" "To be with my husband."  How does that sound good to anyone?

WHY does there always have to be a deadline? If you love someone shouldn't you be able to wait for them? Why are men so selfish? Don't they realize that the woman has to give up everything she stands for?  Everything that she represents?  Why isn't anything ever enough?  They need to stop writing movie scripts like this.  It just pisses me off.

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