Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Chinese Tea

If you go into a little Tea Store and they tell you your complexion looks bad and they say you need some special tea mixture to be more healthy, don't believe them, even if the tea they're trying to sell you costs 20rmb for 10 bags.  I don't know what got into me, I just felt like getting some tea and I think I was too lazy to say, "No."  20rmb for 10 bags, why not, right?  Anyways, I tried the tea today and the taste is so light I taste nothing but water.  I even brewed 2 bags at once. Now I have 18 bags of unflavorful tea.... at least the rose buds inside look pretty floating around.

Odd that I'm saying this, but the tea shops targeted at the foreigners here actually sell much much better tasting tea, and authentic as well.   Sorry Mom and Pop shops, I just don't trust you guys.  At least not in this country.

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