Monday, May 24, 2010

This is so beautiful

Ahhh.... emails and work on the left, Gaming in the middle, and chatting on the right..... while watching TV on top if you wished.  How beautiful is this setup?
I can't wait to move back to the States so I can start setting up my dream "workstation."    This is exactly the way I would set it up.  That table is also from Ikea... I've wanted to buy it several times but I never had room in the house to put it.  But once I get back to the US..... this will become a reality.

My Alienware laptop's ethernet port broke.  Which is all kinds of fking FAIL.  This means I can't connect to the internet through cable.  WTF dude.  I have to use wireless, in a place where the internet is already slow as hell? REALLY? Wireless??

Especially for a hardcore gamer.... stable, plugged in connectivity is crucial. It's like the air I breathe. There is nothing more fail than your character raising an arm to do that final finishing blow... and then you get "You have been disconnected." Fking fail, wireless!!!!!!   And then that Orc with 200hp left turns around and starts healing himself... WORSE YET... attacking you. And you, in all your epicly overgeared glory, stands helpless with one arm raised... running in place... while a fail noob Orc whittles your 30,000HP away..... fking fail, man.

This must be fixed!!! Damn you, ethernet port. Damn you, Alienware, for costing thousands of dollars and still having shitty quality!! Damn you, Dell, for buying Alienware and using your crap factories that manufacture crap Dells to also manufacture Alienware components, which now also makes it crap quality!! Damn you alllllll!!!!!!!!!!

I am in the process of getting this fixed. And when I am back.... hell hath no fury like a woman and her laptop scorned.

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