Thursday, May 20, 2010

Home Sweet Home

My family is moving so we are selling the house that I've lived in for many, many, years.  This is devastating to me even though I've been living abroad. I've always thought that I would go back and go "home," back to my room, back to that familiar street, back to that familiar city.  But even if I go home permanently next year... where do I go?  More importantly, since my parents are moving back to Taipei, how do I get my family members under one roof again?  Are our gatherings really only limited to Christmas and other holidays?  I can't go home just one weekend and see everyone anymore?

That city was my life for so much of my childhood.  And even adulthood.  I've never thought about not having a home in that city.  Even if I moved to another city, I always felt that once I stepped foot in those familiar boundaries I would feel like I belonged. 

My home will never be where I am currently living.  And I don't want it to be. 

It was a shocking decision that we are actually really going to sell the house.  We've talked about it for several years but I think we were all hesitant.  It's hard for me to believe that this is real, that the next time I go home, I will just be a visitor.

I feel that I've taken for granted all the time that I spent with my family.  I always thought that we would be "home" together, that it was good enough. And now that it's going to be gone, those minutes that we all shared under one roof seems so few and far between.  If I had moved home years ago, would things be different now?  I'm not sure.  But I feel like now the minutes and seconds that we spend together will be that much more precious, because there's no longer an endless pool of time.

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