Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pirated DVDs

So we assume that the studio has a leak which is why someone in Russia is able to get a copy of the movie, copy it a few million times, and sell it for $2 on the street to developing nations.

However, where do the subtitles come from?
No, I don't mean the movies with the perfect english subtitles.  Usually they're only perfect if the studio also leaked a script, or the movie has been out for a long time already.

My question is, where do the half ass, 80% of the time doesn't make sense Chinese subtitles come from?  I'm talking about when I watch movies that just came out a few weeks ago, and there's the chinese subtitle on the bottom. But when you read the subtitle it's not completely translated correctly.  The actor could be saying something like, "Yeah, whatever you dumbass. You swear I would do something like that.  I'm not down with it."  And the Chinese would be translated into, "No, I won't do it. I don't do crime." (But in Chinese).

It's like, who sat there, and could only half understand the English slang, but decided to translate it like that for his countrymen?  Is there some dude who sits there in a dark room and watches all the movies and writes his own transcript of the movie?  How long does it take him to do it? Does he use urbandictionary? How much does he get paid?

And how does he introduce himself if others ask what he does for a living?

"I'm the guy that translates all the new movies from English to Chinese, except I don't understand all of it so I just translate it however I want by what I think they're saying."

Just curious.

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