Saturday, April 24, 2010


I have tried so hard.  And it doesn't seem like it's enough. What does it take to be understood?  Of course I want things to be simple and happy.  But life isn't that easy.  I take it in stride, I make the best of what I have, and I keep positive thoughts that it's just a matter of time, and if I can pull through it then it will all be waiting for me when things come together.  When I decide on something or put my mind to it, I work towards it like there's no tomorrow. I don't go back and doubt if its the right path, if it's going to work out, if it's too hard. I just do it. 

I've always thought that if you wanted something, if you loved someone, you would just do it for that person.  But I never thought of what happens when you're the only one that doesn't have doubts.  Maybe it's just easier for me.  Even when I was little, when I decided on something and made that as a goal, I reached it, sooner or later, because I'm not a person to give up.   It doesn't help when the other person is judgmental and doubtful.  I try to keep my dreams alive with hope, and also with reality.  But because I believe in something, reality isn't something that destroys what I'm hoping for. 

I just want us both to stand on the same side and fight for the same thing.  It's hard for me to do this alone, and it's hard for me to do it when I feel I'm always misunderstood. 

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