Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I Love Amanda Tanen

She is the best part of "Ugly Betty," imo. Hilarious.

I find her sooooo funny.  Loves it. 

Were you saying something? Your mouth was moving and you were looking at me, but all I heard was 'blah blah blah'

[Amanda is about to show Daniel the DNA test]
Amanda Tanen: You know, even if this does come out positive, it only makes us half brother and sister. So if we did it 20 times, it was only wrong 10.

Marc: I'm not mean to you!
Amanda: You told me my head was too big for my neck!
Marc: That was constructive criticism!
Amanda: And what am I supposed to do about it?!

Amanda Tanen: [Betty is taking a picture to put on an online dating site] Head down, shoot from above, get those bangs to cover those caterpillars, and hide your chins by doing this
[puts both hands, touching at the fingertips, under her chin]
Amanda Tanen: , and for God’s sake, lose the glasses.
Betty Suarez: Amanda, I wear glasses, I'm not gonna lie.
Amanda Tanen: Whatever, but guys don't make passes at girls who are fat.

Betty Suarez: [Betty checks her profile on a dating website] Christina, look! I have responses to my profile!
Christina McKinney: 15 of them! First one's from ILoveTacos.
Betty Suarez: I love tacos!
Christina McKinney: Then ILoveChurros.
Betty Suarez: I love churros!
Christina McKinney: Then ILoveTortillas.
Betty Suarez: [realizes all of these are fake] Amanda, you're not funny.
Amanda Tanen: [walks over] I'm a little funny.

[Betty and Henry are trying to have a romantic moment in the copy room]
Amanda Tanen: Who is hogging the -?
Amanda Tanen: Oh, dorkus interuptus.
Betty Suarez, Henry Grubstick: GET OUT!
Amanda Tanen: [exits] Hey, everyone, Betty's in heat!

Amanda Tanen: [on phone] If I can't pay my bill, then I can't pay my rent, and if I can't pay my rent, then how will you send me my bill? See, this is actually all for you!

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