Thursday, April 29, 2010


Living here for so many years has gotten me pretty paranoid about the food I consume.  I don't go eat in holes in the wall, I don't eat at cheap crappy looking restaurants, I don't eat super greasy or oily food.  In the past year, my diet has been limited to mostly salad and vegetables, and some chicken. In fact, I order the same chicken salad from the same expat owned place.  That's been my diet for the past year.   It's not because I don't want to eat other things, it's just that I really don't trust where the food is coming from.

Of course, it's not as if I'm *that* much safer eating at expat restaurants, since they most likely have similar suppliers.  I'm just hoping that there is more moral dignity with the American owned restaurants that they are more stringent with their food quality checks and preparation.  Some of the restaurants I go to are also owned by friends who care about this so at least I feel safer. 

I can't wait to move home and not have to worry about this. Someday I plan to have kids and I want my body to be HEALTHY!!

When are these people going to stop caring about profit and be a little bit more responsible?  And when are laws and punishment actually going to be enforced to deter people from being overly greedy?  Sure it may not work all the time but at least it will prevent more farmers and corporations from exploiting the consumers.

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