Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right ....

w00t. Unicorns.
And all over the ESPN page too. If you go to that website and do the famous CONTRA game code for endless lives, you get unicorns pop up all over the page. If you click, more unicorns pop up. Apparently, someone put a script in the page that lead to that. LOL. Morning funny for me. Go go geek power! Of course, it doesn't work anymore. Oh well. Here's for hoping that it'll happen again on the Shanghai Expo 2010 page....

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Fate works .... or it doesn't.

So there was this thing I was trying to do last November. However, the other party wasn't very cooperative, so I basically said, "Well, all right. I can do something else, or look for other things to do." So I happily went along and moved on with my life, and now its 6 months later and that person came back to me and said, "Well... you know what we were discussing last November? Do you still want to do it?" And so now I'm caught in an awkward position, because I've basically moved on and I'm not too sure if it's the right thing, or the best thing anymore.

Of course, the other party is being as selfish as possible and organizing everything based on what he/she wants, whenever he/she needs it. So, it's annoying. It's almost like I can't say No just because I've been curious about it for a long time, but now is not the best time for me to start this endeavor.

Why can't anything be on MY schedule, done when I want it done!?

The world should revolve around ME, DAMMIT!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The WoW pod is WOW

So someone designed a "pod" for WoW players. It is a seat that doubles as a toilet, and a stove to the right of it. On the wall hangs "refreshing spring water" (lol, +61 Mana only every drink) and you can cook whatever you want in it. You select your food in game, (even "shoveltusk meat?") and then it cooks it for you while you play. When the food is ready, it alerts you in game and then automatically marks you /AFK while you eat. SWEET. haha.

That's awesome.

Except it's in the shape of an Orc Hunt. I don't like Orcs. I think they're ugly. I want mine in a blood elf tent, please.

Links to more wow pods.
WoW Insider

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thanks to motivation posters...

I laugh out loud at work when I don't mean to. Remember like 10 or more years ago when someone created those motivational posters that were quite expensive, and it was just a photograph with some words underneath it in a black frame? Well, thanks to the internet, geeks, photoshop, and geek humor, we get these:

So I wonder what pops out of the box, huh? Or actually, no, I don't want to know.

Another addition to the internet is anime with horrible translation. Remember the old anime that still had the traditional yellow subtitles, with literal translations? When you watched it you were like "wtf?" I don't know who managed to translate it this way but wow, does it speak the truth or what?


Of course I'm sure the Japanese said, "If there's an opening in the opponents attack, it's a man's job to grab that chance to down the enemy." But of course we all prefer this translation much better. w00t.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I had planned to update much more often but work has been busy lately. When I go home, I also play a lot of WoW, so don't blame me! I just don't have that much leisure time these days. I know it goes without saying but I love The World of Warcraft. I love it because it's a great game, so well made, that I probably don't need to play any other game because it's really not lacking anything. Of course, I only speak about the MMORPG category. I do play my Street Fighter 4, Devil May Cry 4, Loco Rocco and Crisis Core games from time to time. Mostly however, I'm stuck playing WoW because theres just so many things to do.

For example. The Flag of Ownership, possibly he bestest item to ever be invented in the World of Warcraft. This is mostly because I absolutely LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. playing against other players. Live players. The ones with feelings. When you beat your opponent (a live player) you stab your flag into their corpse. Of course, it's announced to everyone else nearby that "XXXXX has planted the flag of ownership in your body." And then, the flag shows up in your corpse, and get this, the best of all, the flag has a thumbs down sign on it. HAHAHA.

I have been PVPing for awhile but I can't do arenas (rated tournaments) because of my crappy lag behind the damned GFW. However, I can do world PVP so it's all right.

Anyways, the point is that when I win, I get to rub it in their faces and watch them come chase me for the rest of the battle. hahahahahaha. My point is to always point and laugh at them when I'm about to kill them. Then I do my finishing touch and stab the flag into their corpse. Then I laugh some more. I'm better. Muahahahahaha.
This is actually more satisfying for me because I play a Cloth wearer. This means my character has no armor. I'm almost always easily beaten in PvP (Player vs. Player) battles. I spent so much time getting ranked up for gear and now, I get to beat a lot of people. I'm SATISFIED. w00t.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Now That's Kicking Ass

This should be one of my spells on WoW.

Or, just irl would be good enough. >=D

Talk about some major ass kicking.


Fun little flash games. Oh, I like!!

There's this site I go to when I feel bored and just need something to play for about 10-15 minutes. This Japanese guy creates the best logic games. I hate logic games, but these were really fun. Click here for link.

You basically have to make each item "grow" to its fullest potential. It's usually always about humans and the earth, so you have to make a happy little city. Your choices mean the difference between growing and dying. Pretty cool.


So, recently I've been feeling pretty grossed out with food. I don't know what it is but I think my body is telling me to chill out with eating fried foods and meats. Well, I don't eat fried food that much but whatevs....

And my friend sent me a link to the McGangBang. WIN.

Americans can seriously eat anything, can't they? This is probably the reason why everyone is so damn fat. But I can't complain. I like eating DOUBLE EGG MCMUFFINS.

By the way, if you haven't figured it out, a McGangBang is a McChicken sandwiched stuffed in between two hamburgers. Or, a McDouble. Meat on all sides. Hence, the "gangbang."

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Paris Hilton's BFF

Yes, I watch this show. I watch it because it's mindless brain fodder. I can get into a trance-like state when I watch it and it's almost like sleeping.

I think I mostly watch it to look at the clothes and bling. The monologue (what, they speak?) is like background noise.

One must wonder what goes on through her head. She has a huge closet filled with purses, shoes, dresses... anything you can think of. But I bet it's still lonely for her.


I know what you all think. There are 15 year old girls in love with him so I shouldn't be in love with him!! But he is totally hot. HOT. He has the most perfect jawline, and the hugest expressive eyes, not to mention his hair is beautifully blond, just the way I like it. PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Send brooders and emo men my way, ladies.

Just in case you need more persuasion that he's beautiful, I'm posting a pic.

Oh, do you need another picture? Okay.

