Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thanks to motivation posters...

I laugh out loud at work when I don't mean to. Remember like 10 or more years ago when someone created those motivational posters that were quite expensive, and it was just a photograph with some words underneath it in a black frame? Well, thanks to the internet, geeks, photoshop, and geek humor, we get these:

So I wonder what pops out of the box, huh? Or actually, no, I don't want to know.

Another addition to the internet is anime with horrible translation. Remember the old anime that still had the traditional yellow subtitles, with literal translations? When you watched it you were like "wtf?" I don't know who managed to translate it this way but wow, does it speak the truth or what?


Of course I'm sure the Japanese said, "If there's an opening in the opponents attack, it's a man's job to grab that chance to down the enemy." But of course we all prefer this translation much better. w00t.


  1. ive been lookin for those "motivational posters" that what its called?? now there's a potential cure for rapists. lmao.
