Saturday, April 25, 2009

Fate works .... or it doesn't.

So there was this thing I was trying to do last November. However, the other party wasn't very cooperative, so I basically said, "Well, all right. I can do something else, or look for other things to do." So I happily went along and moved on with my life, and now its 6 months later and that person came back to me and said, "Well... you know what we were discussing last November? Do you still want to do it?" And so now I'm caught in an awkward position, because I've basically moved on and I'm not too sure if it's the right thing, or the best thing anymore.

Of course, the other party is being as selfish as possible and organizing everything based on what he/she wants, whenever he/she needs it. So, it's annoying. It's almost like I can't say No just because I've been curious about it for a long time, but now is not the best time for me to start this endeavor.

Why can't anything be on MY schedule, done when I want it done!?

The world should revolve around ME, DAMMIT!!

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