Saturday, November 13, 2010


That's basically where I am.  And I like the music here.  I think I'll come back and visit.

There's a coffee shop here with GREAT coffee that I used to frequent a lot.  It's called DANs. 
However, as business picked up, so dropped its quality. The coffee is still great, but the service isn't as quick as it used to be, and the servers attitude has become defiant, probably because they no longer need to beg for business since they're always full.

If I ever open my own business, I will never be a bitch to my customers.  Only the ones that deserve it. :P
Don't worry, I'm not an entrepreneur, I hate customers and they're always wrong because I'm always right. If I want to serve you slop you eat it, bitch.  I'm the boss of you.


I came here to do some work but of course ended up procrastinating.  At least we switched to a less busy cafe.  D came and ate dinner with me, then left for a client dinner so now I'm all by myself, watching people walk by.  I really like this place -- minus the 5 billion tourists. I know it's not their fault that they're so fucking n00by but fuck stop being such a fucking n00b!! I say in my head.

It's funny that the waitresses in front of me are talking about ChinaJoy. That was months ago.

I love people watching.  Japanese people to my right, talking about whether or not they like their lives in Shanghai. Some dude across from me reading a book -- careful dude, the lighting is so dim you're going to go blind.  Some customer annoyed the place only takes cash -- "Where's the ATM??!" 

I saw a friend today.  He was with a girl, and just passed by and we said hi.  He said, "I haven't been around, been traveling and getting the hell out of here." "Oh? What's the matter?" we said.

"This place sucks. I'm going to move. It's the same group of guys. Getting into fights with also the same groups of guys. Sometimes new guys come, and they get into fights with them too. So fucking stupid.  I'm tired of this small ass group, these people."

"How long have you been in living here now?"
"Almost 2 years."

Ahh.... that explains everything. The 2 year crisis, where you realize that living here sucks when you can't find a group of close friends.  Close friends are hard to find here. People are fake and stupid, stuck in their own little bubbles, insignificant lives.... when you're tired of clubbing, partying, hoes, sluts, drinking.... and you look for deeper meaning and fulfillment.... its hard to find here. People are shallow. It's Vegas with even less rules. Money goes a lot farther here. You can imagine what life is like, how much debauchery there is, Welcome to Never Never Land....

But congrats to him though.  He recognizes what it is... people tend to grow cynical when they realize what is really happening around them. Bravo for him for realizing how shallow the ties here are.  I hope he finds some better friends too. Some more intellectual people who he can find common ground with. Because I see so many people here stuck as if its still the first 6 months of their adventure here.  As if they're still in high school.  Drinking everyday. Fighting everyday. And for what? KTV hoes.  So sad. I wonder when they'll realize how big the void is in their hearts that they're really trying to fill with all this partying, hoeing around, and drinking.

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