Sunday, March 28, 2010

Blogger should let us post videos

Because I want to link the song and play this video, because it's so awesome. Well the video isn't the most awesomest but I do love the song lots.

S.H.E. finally went back to their roots and sang a Taiwanese song.

I have their entire album and it's not bad at all. In fact I think it's their best album since they've debuted.... maybe 10 years ago.

I really love this song.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hard day in the corporate world

WoW. Today was really stressful.  I had a meeting scheduled at 5 p.m. that went on until 8 p.m.  This was after everyone was informed that it would be short.

I don't know if I'm a part of the problem in today's corporate world, but I sure hope not. I'd like to think I'm proactive about enough things to keep projects moving forward. 

In my previous company, 10 people would sit on their ass and surf online all day.  I don't know what they're surfing considering they can't really access anything behind their "net nanny."  I, on the other hand, can access whatever the hell I want.  Even during those times that I can't, I go to the cached versions and day dream.

What am I talking about!?

Oh, yeah.

Well, looming in my face is about 2 weeks of OT and then 2 months of hard hard work. 

Sigh..... I wonder when things suddenly became urgent... oh yeah... at 5p.m....

Saturday, March 13, 2010

God of War III

This game looks awesome.  I think I will buy it.  However, I like to do things in order, so first I'll have to finish playing my FF13, then finish my Bayonetta, then finish my God of War III. I don't like leaving things started and not finished. Just not the way I like to operate.

With that said, how awesome do the graphics look??

Ah, so pretty to stare at, and play for hours and hours.  I enjoyed Heavenly Sword back then when it came out too, because it was pretty and had awesome finishing moves.  It took me 3 days to beat the final boss. He was a bastard.

Anyhoo, so back to GOWIII.  It looks like the battle design is going to be consistent with the previous 2 GOWs... which is fine for me. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, right?  The story also continues where it left off in GOWII, where Kratos is still trying to kill his Father, Zeus.  Can you even KILL Zeus?!  You can't!! At least in the hundreds of Greek Mythology books I read said that Zeus couldn't be killed.  Those scheming Gods, they always find a way.

Bad Romance

I love this song. Lady GaGa is a great entertainer. And I love this song, Bad Romance. I listen to it all the time. I can listen to it all day, in fact, I have!! haha.

She's not singing about anything profound -- just about men and women wanting different things.
But it's funny how men and women think so differently.

People can want the same things but approaching it drastically differently.

It's confusing and sometimes, disappointing. Other times it could be a better option.

Meh. I'm tired.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Sometimes you think you have something and you think things are a certain way... but then it turns out that the truth behind it was just hidden and you didn't see it. What happens then? What do you do? I guess it's your own fault for letting your guard down. You should have known, you should have thought about it, but you were just happy with the way things were... because you thought you were seeing the truth.

I'm so vague.

I like to be vague.

I wonder if the result is going to be like all the other results I've experienced. I hope not. But I don't think there's anything I can do, because maybe I'm the only one hoping for it to change, for things to get better.

I feel wrongly criticized by something that's not in my control, and it's not something that I asked for, or planned to get. Maybe I did just get lucky. But being lucky isn't my fault. Maybe I got lucky because I was so unlucky in the past. Maybe someone thought that it was my turn to have a break. Why not be happy for me?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

And so it seems...

The bad weather will continue throughout the weekend. This is supposed to be one of the "warmest" winters of Shanghai. You've got to be kidding, right?

However, now that I think about it, there could have been colder winters. After all, I've been out of here for 2 months so who knows? As if I care anyways. Global warming is happening and we're all going to suffer because of the irresponsible corporations and other unnamed entities.

Apparently the 8.8 earthquake in Chile made the days shorter. It threw the Earth of axis a bit and now we get about 1.6 seconds less per day. This isn't something unique since it's a result of what earthquakes usually do. Less beauty sleep for me? :(

I'm looking forward to going back to the US again soon. I think being here seriously tests my patience a lot of the time. And I didn't have very much patience to begin with. Actually, that might not be completely true. I have a lot of patience if the person is really trying, and it's not something that's common sense. Like math.

I have no patience when someone doesn't know how to put a ticket in the ticket gate for subways. "GTFO my way, LADY!"

Time to go home. :D

Tuesday, March 2, 2010



Being in a relationship is so hard sometimes. What you want is always going to be different.
Maybe there will be sometimes that you will want the same things…but perhaps at least 50% of the time things are going to be a compromise.

I suppose that’s what love is. Learning how to compromise. However, I feel depressed about this sometimes, because of all the trial and errors one has to go through.

I want to stop feeling depressed and blah. Maybe it's the weather.