Friday, March 5, 2010


Sometimes you think you have something and you think things are a certain way... but then it turns out that the truth behind it was just hidden and you didn't see it. What happens then? What do you do? I guess it's your own fault for letting your guard down. You should have known, you should have thought about it, but you were just happy with the way things were... because you thought you were seeing the truth.

I'm so vague.

I like to be vague.

I wonder if the result is going to be like all the other results I've experienced. I hope not. But I don't think there's anything I can do, because maybe I'm the only one hoping for it to change, for things to get better.

I feel wrongly criticized by something that's not in my control, and it's not something that I asked for, or planned to get. Maybe I did just get lucky. But being lucky isn't my fault. Maybe I got lucky because I was so unlucky in the past. Maybe someone thought that it was my turn to have a break. Why not be happy for me?

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