Thursday, March 4, 2010

And so it seems...

The bad weather will continue throughout the weekend. This is supposed to be one of the "warmest" winters of Shanghai. You've got to be kidding, right?

However, now that I think about it, there could have been colder winters. After all, I've been out of here for 2 months so who knows? As if I care anyways. Global warming is happening and we're all going to suffer because of the irresponsible corporations and other unnamed entities.

Apparently the 8.8 earthquake in Chile made the days shorter. It threw the Earth of axis a bit and now we get about 1.6 seconds less per day. This isn't something unique since it's a result of what earthquakes usually do. Less beauty sleep for me? :(

I'm looking forward to going back to the US again soon. I think being here seriously tests my patience a lot of the time. And I didn't have very much patience to begin with. Actually, that might not be completely true. I have a lot of patience if the person is really trying, and it's not something that's common sense. Like math.

I have no patience when someone doesn't know how to put a ticket in the ticket gate for subways. "GTFO my way, LADY!"

Time to go home. :D

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