Saturday, March 13, 2010

God of War III

This game looks awesome.  I think I will buy it.  However, I like to do things in order, so first I'll have to finish playing my FF13, then finish my Bayonetta, then finish my God of War III. I don't like leaving things started and not finished. Just not the way I like to operate.

With that said, how awesome do the graphics look??

Ah, so pretty to stare at, and play for hours and hours.  I enjoyed Heavenly Sword back then when it came out too, because it was pretty and had awesome finishing moves.  It took me 3 days to beat the final boss. He was a bastard.

Anyhoo, so back to GOWIII.  It looks like the battle design is going to be consistent with the previous 2 GOWs... which is fine for me. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, right?  The story also continues where it left off in GOWII, where Kratos is still trying to kill his Father, Zeus.  Can you even KILL Zeus?!  You can't!! At least in the hundreds of Greek Mythology books I read said that Zeus couldn't be killed.  Those scheming Gods, they always find a way.

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