Monday, September 14, 2009

Weddings and Instant Gratification

Weddings are pretty awesome.  If they’re your close friends or family.  Sometimes people I don’t know really well invite me to their weddings.  Why? What makes you think I care who you’re marrying?  Then I realized they don’t, because they just want the gift and the money.
This is why I almost never go to Chinese weddings.  Lots of former coworkers or other people I’ve worked with invite me to their weddings… but I really believe that a wedding should be an intimate thing.  A thing where it’s like, “I know you’ll be happy for me because you care about me and want to see me happy with another person.”  Half the time I get these wedding invitations from people I don’t even really talk to and people look at me aghast when I say, “Uh yeah, I can’t go.”   Weddings are expensive and time consuming, man. I’m not about to give out hundreds of dollars to people who I probably really don’t care about, or will remember in 5 years.


Okay so I’ve been finally watching Prison Break. This is because on the plane flight back, the entire season was an option so I watched the first 2 episodes.  The reason why I didn’t want to watch it before was because I didn’t think there were many hot guys on it. I thought Wentworth Miller was hot… but was he hot enough for me to watch an entire series? I had my doubt so I never bought the series. However. 
On the plane, I was completely SMITTEN by him!! Ok you know what it is? It’s his eyes. They brood.  And his eyes are green.  My entire life I’ve had a thing for guys with green eyes. My first love huge crush when I was 5 had green eyes.  Joshua.  Then my middle school crush (another Josh) also had green eyes.  Then my high school crush also had green eyes (Brian).   Most of my TV celeb crushes also have green eyes. I just have a THING for green eyes.

So I bought the entire 4 seasons of Prison Break and I feel like I’m in a prison watching Prison Break, because I cannot move until I finished the entire series.  I’m on Season 3.  There is just something about the way Wentworth Miller broods that drives me insane. Woo hoo! Another mini project to do. Watch Prison Break and google every piece of information on it until I’m bored.
I love instant gratification.
Everything I want,  I must have it now.  That’s because I have a plan and my plan needs to move forward.  Everything is a little cog in my overall plan that I need to make sure moves in my preferred direction.  Being a control freak ain’t so bad…. You could be messy and disorganized, directionless and lost…… no thanks.

1 comment:

  1. “I know you’ll be happy for me because you care about me and want to see me happy with another person.”

