Thursday, September 17, 2009

Taxi Drivers

More specifically, Shanghainese taxi drivers piss me off.

Me: Take me to XXXX.
(drives to the cross street)
Driver: We're here.
Me: I want to go to #555. 
Driver: We passed it.
Me: So turn around.
Driver: You only said XXXX.
Me: I said XXXX because that's the street. Now I want to go to building #555.
Driver: But you didn't say that when you got in the car.
Me: Take me to #555.
Driver: I can't now.
Me: Because you're too lazy to make a U-turn?
Driver: Because you didn't say it when you got in the car.

*bitch mode -- ACTIVIATED*

Me: Look here, you idiot, WHAT IS YOUR JOB DESCRIPTION.
Driver: .....
Driver: hmph. 
Me: I'll tell you what your JOB is.  YOUR JOB is to take ME wherever the hell I want to go. If I say I want to go to Mongolia, you shut the fuck up and you take me there. If I say I want to go to AMERICA, you shut the fuck up and TAKE ME THERE. I don't fucking care if you gotta pull a dammned rubber raft out of your fucking asshole but you damn well better take me there. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?
Driver: You should have said the number when you got in the car.
Me: Shut the fuck up and make a fucking U-turn. NOW.

(Makes a U-Turn and drives to the right building)
Me: You see how easy that is? Now here's your damn money and have a nice day.

Ugh. What a fucktard.  Stupid lazy Shanghainese taxi drivers. 

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