Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I hate panda huggers

So I predict my blog will get a lot more updates now that I have my bb. So let's see. Sitting next to me in a digusting guy with ugly wavy hair, and he has been picking his ear for at least 5 minutes. He is flicking the earwax out of his nails. However, after he flicks it out he also wipes his fingernails in this dirty napkin full of earwax. Sick.

Have you ever wondered how people can be this disgusting and apparently not care about it? Or not know about it? I think its all a pretence. They are just too lazy to change their habits because it is convenient to them. Like they care for anyone else. As long as its convenient to them they'll keep doing it their way. Which is the problem of this society of course.

Lots of people told me that they're growing! Look how far they've come! My question to that is.... So? That is no excuse for people to have zero consideration for anyone else and only pursue things that benefit themselves only, and often at the cost of another person, such as ripping someone off 2 months deposit, or selling them fake baby's formula to make more profit, etc.  There are some people that have grown up in horrible surroundings but know that its wrong not to kill, rape, or rob others. What is the difference between these and others? I don't think most of these people grew up in prisons.

Anyway, its just an excuse to divert you away from the real issue: that these people, and this society is fcked. That the mentality of the masses is broken.  How they grew up doesn't matter to what is seen in the present because dwelling on the how does not fix anything now.

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