Sunday, September 19, 2010


You know when you've got a fever almost up to 39 degrees Celsius, was able to pull through a day at work and then working off your blackberry while having the fever in bed, sweating, not being able to feel your legs feeling like you have to vomit, and still responding to work emails you're pretty hardcore.  On top of that, sweating through the night unable to sleep and waiting till the hospitals open at 7am, then dragging yourself to the hospital as soon as they open is a pretty hard feat.  Then getting plugged up to an IV machine for about 9 hours in some tiny hospital bed watching bags and bags of yellow and clear liquid drip into your body.... well... I did it all by myself.  I guess I'm proud of myself.  I didn't want to call anyone because I didn't want to waste anyones time, I'm sure everyone is busy with their own lives, I can take care of myself as I have been for the past 7-8 years.  Although I'm unsure how much longer I can stay here, it's clearly beating my immune system to bits, it's hard to stay healthy when you're surrounded by so much pollution, germs, bad sanitation, and diseases due to all that I've mentioned.

But because my parents sold their house, I'm also unsure where I can go.  I'm not sure I can go back to the US anymore because people are so busy with their own lives.  I don't want to be a burden to anyone, or waste people's time.  Maybe I'm just stuck here now.

Ow. It hurt.

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