Friday, September 17, 2010



I think my body is overheating.

I don't usually get sick in summertime.  Well, sometimes. But that's usually in the beginning of summertime when Asia gets super humid and hot and everyone blasts their air conditioning, so your body goes from a really hot and humid environment to a really cold and dry environment.  I'm not sure what made me sick but I have a fever now.  I can't feel my legs normally, they feel super sensitive to the touch, and it takes a lot of effort to walk.  I feel dizzy and nauseous, and I had to force myself to stay at work and finish a presentation document before leaving at 5pm despite feeling the need to leave after lunch.  

Now I feel so sick and burnt that I don't think I can lie down, I'm just quietly sitting here.... I hope this goes away soon, I hope it's a one night thing.  I hope my entire weekend isn't wasted on being sick.  I have a raid to do. heh.

I feel a lot of work pressure lately.  I think I'm getting burnt out.  Nothing is ever 100% sure. Decisions are never set in stone. Granted, that's the nature of the market or even the industry, but when you're forced to sprint constantly you start to lose your speed.... 

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