Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Subway Sux. Need I say more? Oh wait... yes

I feel like ranting, because ranting is more fun.

I've decided to post about all the disgusting things I see on the subway. And oh, how disgusting they so are. I can only tolerate around 5% of the people that take the subway here. They are the foreigners, who also seemingly hate these 95%, and the other quiet chnse people who also look around in annoyance at their disgusting countrymen.

The horribly mannered and low class poor excuses for homo sapiens are always doing one of these things. 1) picking their nose 2) rolling their boogers around their fingers 3) wiping their boogers on seats, poles, walls, and anything they can get their disgusting grubby fingers on. The sick bastards. Besides that, they may also be 4) eating greasy smelly foods when signs clearly prohibit food 5) dumping their litter and trash on the floors or seats 6) speaking loudly on their phone 7) speaking loudly to each other 8) stinking up the train because they don't use deodorant or shower, or both.

They are disgusting disgusting non qualified homo sapiens, which I think would be more correctly classified as the missing link, thus linking together forever and proving that humans evolved from monkeys.

More on this tomorrow.

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