Saturday, August 22, 2009


I just found out a really, really good friend of mine may be moving to Hong Kong for work. I'm totally, utterly, devastated. I know it may be a better step for him but I honestly really don't know what I'm going to do without him here. We've lived in Shanghai together since 2004 and this is a huge shock to me. I really needed him here to keep me sane. I'm so sad. I feel more lonely here than ever.

There are so many people that should move away. Why him?


1 comment:

  1. im sure he'll miss you as much as you miss him; but you'll do fine, with or without him. 在這個世界上,我不信誰沒有誰是不能生活得;our friends are based on our choices...of who to be loyal to, who to be there for, and who will be close to in our hearts, regardless of how many miles apart.
