Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Oh, great. So, blogspot is being blocked. I have to access it through secret means.

THANKS, GFW. Yet another blog you've claimed. Who knows how long this will go on for?


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Day in the life of Chinese WoW

I thought this was pretty well made and funny.

WoW in real life. If you were Chinese.

View this link if you live in China.

View this link if you live in the US.

Monday, May 11, 2009

I hate translating. H8TE.

I really really dislike translating. For anything. Unless I'm translating for Jay Chou, or BoA, or Jet Li... I really dislike translating anything. I think the reason is because I've been translating since I was a kid, and I hate it.

When your parents speak to you in Mandarin, and then your friends don't understand, you translate. When your friends speak to you in English, or you're at the department store somewhere and you mom doesn't understand, you translate. Translating for me means I'm stuck in between 2 cultures and I have to find the right words to make both sides understand. Usually I have to listen to both sides speaking and I catch all their thoughts in my brain. And then I'm too lazy to open my mouth to spit it out.

Okay so I may have exaggerated it. I don't HATE translating. Verbally. But I do really really dislike translating from one powerpoint presentation to another. First of all, I hate selling. I'm not a salesperson. I'm too direct, I'm too blunt, I speak what's on my mind and if you don't want to buy it I couldn't care less. So when I have to translate pretty language from English to Mandarin, it makes me so angry!! I don't even know how to WRITE pretty language in Chinese. You already see how they translate menus. "Phoenix Claws." for 风抓. ITS FRIGGIN CHICKEN FEET!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or, something like "Twice minced flitting lotus leave on pearl dewed cloud drops romantic princess jade emperor golden chrysanthemums expensive title buy me now BBQ" when it's like a drumstick.

Anyway. My point is, I hate flowery language and selling to people in mandarin on powerpoint presentations require exactly that. I HATE WRITING SHIT LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Poopty Pants

[9:46:35 AM] You says: heyloser
[10:48:00 AM] Krassen says: i has poopty pants
[10:48:43 AM] You says: omg im in a meeting now my computer is on the projector you DOOF!!
[10:48:57 AM] Krassen says: P....
[10:49:30 AM] Krassen says: I'm going to need those 4th quarter projections by 3:30
[10:52:21 AM] Krassen : poopty pant


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

So I spent a lot of time online trying to figure out which bouquet to send my mom at her work, so her coworkers can be like, "omg your daughter loves you so much im so jealous omg qq!" And I spent around 80$ usd picking the flowers and balloons, and then having them rush deliver it. She received them today and then thanked me for the flowers and that she has "so much face" now at work. ha. Chinese women are so easy to strategize against. Anyway.

Well. Apparently she didn't get the "HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!" balloon that I bought with the flowers. Weak. I wanted her to feel SUPER special and then they leave out half of the present.


Now I have to tell them to refund me, those idiots.

Friday, May 8, 2009

..... need sleep

Must stop raiding until 1a.m.

Must raid only on weekends.

Must not listen to Vivian when saying, "Sleep is overrated."


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

This is my life.

This is a summary of my daily life.
Except you replace "school" with "work."
And replace "internet" with "World of Warcraft."
(Though one could argue its almost the same thing, since I AM on the internet).

WoW helps your son with Abstinence


Just imagine how much it would cost for an abortion? And hospital bills for the girl? That would suck. I hope they have this type of cool contraceptive when I have a son. Someday. If I can get away from WoW long enough to meet a guy, that is.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Condescending Nerds

Wow I really hate these people. "Oh I got picked on in high school for being an ugly pimply nerd and now I'm going to take it out on everyone else who got more ass than me in high school since I've reached a high position in life due to my math skills and now I can pwn people and get revenge."

And here's a chart to prove why they suck and have a chip off their shoulders.

u still lose. lolz.