Sunday, June 19, 2011


最近我的生活好奇怪。 我糊里糊涂的,东摸摸,西摸摸,走到现在,都两周了。  我可以的。我没有问题的。 应为我的朋友跟家人的爱,我可努力度过一个非常痛苦,非常非常黑暗的两周,让后我现在已经可以一个人又站起来的。 

其实,有一段时间我自己也知道,我自己不愿意面对事实,但是现在我看的清清楚楚了。  我之前的想法是错的。我之前要的不是我应该要的。 我是强的。

The scars of your love
Remind you of Us
They keep me thinking
That we almost had it all

The scars of your love
They leave me breathless
I can't help feeling
We could of had it all
Rollin in the Deep

You had my heart inside your hands
And you played it
To the beat
We could of had it all

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