Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Time for vacation

Oh jeez. My mind... is sooooo filled to the brim..... with everyday crap.... that I'm so... so... so... exhausted.  Sometimes I have no idea what my job is.  I do so many random things.  I feel like I do a bit of everything, but don't do anything.  It's crazy.

I think because of the constant switching between tasks, my brain gets tired a lot.  It's like..oh.. where are we with this?  Where are we with that? What, there's a problem here? Why isn't it fixed? Because we're waiting for THAT? Why didn't anyone bring that up earlier?

Communication is soooooo shitty.

There's not enough people to do things. 

I really can't wait for my vacation. I just need to take care of myself. Sleep in, do nothing, focus on getting some new clothes, maybe change my hair a bit, take care of my skin.... we're getting old. It's not going to stay this way forever! 

Can't wait to turn on my OOO message in about 12 minutes.  Time for me to go incognito.... muahahaha.  I'm going to be traveling, so I'll get about 15-16 hours of peace.  Thank you, Buddha!

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