Thursday, October 1, 2009

Meh... I guess not

So I returned the boots.  Meh.

I was looking around the mall to day and there wasn't that many people. You'd think in a crappy economy there'd be even less people though.  They say this is the worst economy in years but it didn't seem to stop people from buying $200 dollar Coach bags.  Meh.

I just want to stay home and play WoW and relax these days.  Going out seem to be such a big hassle. There's a lot of things I need to take care of around the house..... time is running out.  I better get my act together and start with all my errands.  I was tempted to go to Japantown to check out the new building that was recently remodeled.  Supposedly it has tons of imported goods. I'm a sucker for Japanese snacks, makeup, and oddities so I tend to gravitate to these areas --- but I really have to control myself.

It sucks when your common sense gets the better of you.  Or was that guilt after you spend a lot of money on random items? Maybe a bit of both. 

Keeping myself locked to WoW prevents me from my horrible spending mistakes!

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