Friday, October 2, 2009


The past few days have been hard on me. I haven't been able to sleep. Most likely it's due to the fact that the time difference is so huge that when I wake up its 1 or 2p.m. in the afternoon. 

Also, I have a lot of stuff to think about.  I have a business trip coming up that I need to be prepared for.  Having a business trip in between your vacation is kind of strange.  You can't really get into the vacation mode, and then you can't really get into the working mode.  How odd.

Anyway, I went to Target again today. Why is Target so awesome? I got workout shorts for 1.48$. Yes. THAT LITTLE.  Isn't it insane?  And to think it's cheaper than China!!!!!!! We are experiencing a revolution here, boys and girls.

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