Monday, January 17, 2011

Cold and Patient

I'm trying to be patient.  I am by nature, very impatient and very eager to know the result of anything, and I like to get things done. That's why when things don't fall under my control, I get antsy, anxious, and nervous.  I think it takes a toll on my health. 

Note to self: Stop giving a shit.

I think that's a good mantra for me to have, and to practice.  There are so many things to take care of everyday, you can only do so much... and when things aren't under your control .... maybe it's good to just stop caring.  Find another way around it. 

I like to plan everything.  I need to try to accept that not everything can fall under my timelines.  Unfortunately, this works best when other people have the same mentality. But most don't, which is why it's such a hard mantra to practice.

Patience, Acceptance, Go with the flow.

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